Our team is formed by principals, staff and external collaborators.  Principals and staff include Engineers, Researchers and Business Professionals.    Collaborators are outside experts that we engage on occasional or recurrent basis for making possible in depth specialized work. Most of our collaborators are members of our GRCNs.

GLOBAL RESEARCH AND CONSULTING NETWORKS (GRCNs): We also rely on curated networks of over 20,000 experts across several scientific and technical domains that we have patiently assembled since 2008, organized in more than 20 domain clusters, and that we refer to as uBricks.net. These networks of experts are unique to our company. Each of them has been the result of a curation process requiring thousands of person-hours. Maintaining high participation standards has driven that highly selective process.


Adolfo O Gutierrez, PhD
co-Founder & Managing Director.

Scientist, inventor and serial entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience in microsystems design and fabrication, test equipment development and engineering management.  The past 10 years his work has been in design of modular systems, from microsystems to professional collaborations. SG2030 LLC is an R&D Venture Acceleration Services firm that houses all of his efforts under a single entity thereby making modularization a core methodology for engineering, products and business.

He was founder of: (1) Memstar Corporation (1999-2003), a venture backed optical components startup; (2) Novatempo (2001-Present), a management consultancy to startups with activities in 5 countries; (3) μBricks Research a.k.a Microbricks (1995-2012), an R&D services firm focused on microsystems engineering and intellectual property portfolios, and of uBricks, a venture changing the way scientists and high-end professionals sell their services around the world through modular collaboration.

He also cofounded and served as first Executive Director 2004-2007 of SEPARI or Southeastern Pacific Research Institute for Advanced Technologies, a startup R&D institute cofounded by Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Universidad de Chile, Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Intel and Microsoft and FONDEF, a joint effort aimed at establishing a scientific research institute using high performance computing for medical diagnostics, advanced materials and semiconductor device research.  

He began his career as research scientist at InterScience Inc doing defense related work in radiation hardening of electronics, advanced inertial sensors and integrated biochips.    Dr Gutierrez holds a PhD in Engineering Physics (1999), a MSc in Electrical Engineering (1995), MSc in Nuclear Engineering (1995) all from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.  He also holds degrees in Electrical Engineering and Physics from the University of Chile.  

His favorite statement is: “Invention is an act of imagination, Entrepreneurship is an act of passion, and Scaling is an act of generosity”. 

He believes that high standards of living are only obtainable through decentralized coordination of free and independent agents seeking to maximize returns, operating on a stable and transparent legal framework that thoroughly enforces a minimal set of regulations.