Our R&D efforts, for the case of defense innovations, are aimed at working on dual-use technologies and solutions that while addressing defense needs can also efficiently scale in the commercial markets.
We exploit the benefits of modularization, of standardization using COTS and of heterogeneous integration to attain those goals.
Some of the technology areas where we seek to make contributions are:
- Modular Sensor / Machine Learning Integration
- Modular Autonomous Navigation
- Modular Integrated Microsystems (microbricks.com)
- Modular Robotic Systems
- Modular Nanosats / Cubesats
- Modular Energy Solutions (energybricks.com)
- Modular Electronics
- Modular Metrology and Characterization Solutions
Although some of our innovations are a direct result from defense challenges, we always seek to accelerate commercial innovations as spin-off ventures.
We purposely create value through mutually fruitful partnerships, actively seeking to eliminate or mitigate sources of potential conflict of interest with our clients.
Our licensing agreements always reflect our unwavering desire to contribute to the success of the overall colec effort, of the team, of the nation and of Earth.